Thursday, 7 February 2013

Studio Practice 2

Since my last blog I have chosen to interlink an aspect of my chosen topic for my Contextual Studies essay to relate to that of Studio Practice 2, as I feel this will give me a knowledgeable starting point to work from.


Statement of Intent:
My chosen direction of study for Studio Practice 2 has come as a result of my further research into the topic of ‘Outsider Art’ for the module of Contextual Studies. My independent reflection upon the questionable mental health of an outsider artist which dominates the work they produce has been the catalyst for the development of the subject by researching into the themes characterised within their work. This reflection has shown their ability to effortlessly defamiliarize as their artwork communicates their reality as they envision it and upon its viewing, allows the art world to see things which are familiar to the outsider artist but entirely unfamiliar to the spectator. Therefore, the value exposed in relation to the effects of defamiliarization can be evidenced in its ability to reawaken our whole perception of life and art.
The defamiliarization effect comes as a result of the integration of outsider art into the ‘art world’ as this is not their original intention and helps the audience to re-evaluate their perception of what they see before them, as the familiar is transformed into the unfamiliar. In saying this, I want to explore the notion of defamiliarization and the awareness it brings with its inclusion within any piece of artwork- it removes the ‘automatization’ of life;
“The purpose of art, then, is to lead us to acknowledge of a thing through the organ of sight instead of recognition.”(Shlovsky, Viktor. 1925)”
This extract is crucial to understanding the value that comes from defamiliarization, which explains that ‘nothingness’ overcomes our life when we only recognize things instead of ‘seeing’. The ability to see things differently allows our senses to reawaken and reevaluate what may seem mundane to us in our everyday lives. Fundamentally, I intend to highlight the significance of defamiliarization through the reawakening of our whole perception of life which rejects the habitual way of thinking to appreciate the familiar in such a way that it feels unfamiliar, essentially highlighting the loss of meaning in aspects of life.
Methods, Materials and Processes:
Method: To represent the theme of defamiliarization, I will begin by looking into ways of representing the value in defamiliarization and focusing on an object or possibly a series of objects representationally rather than literally. In order to achieve this I undertake extensive research into the core of the concept such as one particular word or notion then develop this through associations of the word which can then be used to represent the concept. I focus on entirely contemporary sculptural installation techniques and aim for this to continue into the major project.
Materials: The material that will be used to portray my concept will rely entirely upon association it has with defamiliarization and the aspect that it is symbolising. The idea of stripping back an object to reveal the loss of meaning which occurs as time passes by which would then benefit from the enhancement of our perception of it which could possibly be achieved by manipulating glass. Plaster would also be effective to portray a shell like appearance as we forget to appreciate the potential that everything encompasses.
Processes: I intend to investigate the way in which something can gain a new meaning through the effects of defamiliarization by an observation of everyday life. An all new awareness is then gained through the embrace of the ordinary in an unordinary way and through an in depth exploration of perception. Exploring consciousness through the awakening of perception could alter the way we view certain elements of life that we take for granted.
Proposed Research:
For this particular idea surrounding defamiliarization, I want to firstly begin by researching into Viktor Shlovsky who first coined the phrase ‘defamiliarization’ and how he describes the value in its effect. I also want to research into the phrase he uses to describe the repetitiveness of life; ‘automatization’ and how this takes form within our life.
I would also like to research into the working methods of William Blake who was famous for his ability to defamiliarize the world he lived in and possibly look into the poetic language he used to illustrate how valuable perspective is in life.
More exploration would also need to be carried out into the making and construction of the artwork so I have a more thorough analysis of what I intend to work with giving me the best possible knowledge of its functioning. Experimentation would also need to be carried out in relation of materials that characterize the initial concept well and those that are easy to manipulate. Scale, materials and composition would also be an issue depending on what sort of impact I want to create which would be considered by creating a range of suitable maquettes.
I will begin by looking into artists who have also explored the theme of defamiliarization:
-William Blake -James Partaik - Diana Ali - Dennis Lin - Nike Savvas – Damien Hirst
Expected Outcomes:
I aim to produce a body of work with well selected and appropriate research material considering relevant artists and materials that will engage well with the final artwork. In addition to this, I intend to fabricate significant maquettes and explore different materials which could be used in the final piece to explore different techniques and resources.
Overall, I want to create an artwork which highlights the value exposed in relation to the effects of defamiliarization which can be evidenced in its ability to reawaken our whole perception of life and art. Our familiarity with certain things often blocks our ability to perceive it in any other way and therefore requires to be almost re-encountered. In doing this, life becomes art and art becomes life and therefore rekindles our awareness. I aim for the theme of defamiliarization to be apparent in both the final artwork and concept and should be aesthetically pleasing as well as conceptually sound to ensure the brief has been worked to its fullest potential.
Criteria for Assessment: Coursework will be assessed against the stated Module Learning Outcomes. The following criteria will be considered in assessment:
·       Quality of individual ideas and concepts.
·       Skill in research & applied problem solving.
·       Consideration and awareness of contextual issues and subject knowledge.
·       Confidence and coherence in exploring and developing ideas & concepts visually.
·       Practical skills and appropriate use of media & tools.
·       Project management skills including: appropriate use of time, media & resources.
·       Quality of creative outcomes, including visual, written & oral presentation.
·       Critical evaluation and analysis of progress and outcomes.

 So far, I have researched into various definitions of Defamiliarization to get the best understanding of how to simplify this complex topic. From this research I have understood that to defamiliarize, is to make something familiar appear strange. As I have mentioned in my PLP, I feel the effects of defamiliarization result in an enhanced perception of life which essentially effects how society views the world and results in an increased appreciation of seeing the unfamiliar in the familiar.

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